Семена пшеницы озимой сорт Новосибирская 3

Pedigree: {[Krasnodar 39 х Ag. glaucous (Desf.)] x Anniversary 50} x [(Lutescens 43 x Mironovskaya 808) x Short stem 69]. Included in the State Register for the West Siberian (10) the region. Recommended for cultivation in the Kemerovo region, in the zones of the subtaiga foothills and the northern forest-steppe of the foothills of the Novosibirsk region. Variety of lutescens. Semi-erect bush. The plant is medium-sized. Wax coating on the upper internode medium – strong, on the spike medium, on flag leaf sheath weak – average. Pyramidal ear, medium density, white, middle length. Spines at the end of the spike are short. Pubescence of the apex segment of the spike axis on the convex side is average – strong. Shoulder straight – elevated, medium width. Tooth slightly curved, very short – short. The lower glume on the inside has a medium pubescence. Painted caryopsis. Weight 1000 grains 36-44 sity. Average yield in the region – 27,5 c / ga, on 3,9 c / ha above the average standard. In the Kemerovo region, an increase to the variety Novosibirskaya 51 made up 4,1 c / ga, in the Novosibirsk region to the Novosibirsk standard 32 – 3,8 c / ha at yield 24,8 and 23,4 c / ha, respectively. Maximum yield 65,3 c / ha obtained in the Tyumen region in 2013 sity. Mid-season. Vegetation period 307-339 days. Ripens at the same time as the Novosibirskaya standard 32. Winter hardiness is high. Plant height 91-126 cm. Lodging resistance and drought resistance at or slightly higher than Novosibirskaya 32. Baking qualities at the level of a good filler. In the field, root rot was weakly affected, septoria and snow mold – medium as standard Novosibirsk 32. According to the applicant, moderately susceptible to leaf rust and powdery mildew.