Seeds of peas of sowing grade Thomas

Pedigree: Erbi x Batrak. Included in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka (4) and East Siberian (11) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Sverdlovsk region, as well as in the zones of the Kansko-Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe and the Forest-steppe of the Chulym region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Leafless. The number of nodes up to the first fertile node inclusive is average – big. Stipules are well developed, spotting density is very low – low. Maximum number of flowers per node – two. Cream flowers. Beans straight or very slightly curved, blunt. Seeds are angular-rounded. Cotyledons yellow. Light scar. Average yield in the Volga-Vyatka region – 31,6 c / ga, on 2,4 c/ha above standard varieties; in the East Siberian region – 17,2 c / ga, at the level of standards. In the recommended zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the yield 30,5 c / ga, on 4 c/ha exceeds Yakhont standard. Maximum yield – 66,7 c / ga – received in 2014 sity. in the Kirov region. Mid-season, growing season – 73-94 days. Plant height – 40-75 cm. Medium drought tolerant. Above average chipping resistance. Lodging resistance high, according to this indicator, in the years of manifestation of the trait, up to two points exceeds the leafless standards Krasnous and Yakhont. Weight 1000 seed – 217-287 sity. Protein content up to 24,5%, culinary grade is good. Valuable for quality. Susceptible to ascochyta and root rot.