Soft spring wheat grade "Yamalskaya"

"YAMALSKAYA" – mid-late (O6) high-yielding variety, lodging resistant, drought and immunity to major diseases.

The variety was obtained by multiple individual selection from the multi-line variety "Raduga" of the lines selected for morphological and biotypic characteristics and subjected to stress screening during reseeding. Large grain, red (type I). Weight 1000 grains - 38-45 sity. Nature – 750-850 g / l. Gluten in grain – 25-30%.

It differs from the "Raduga" variety by a greater evenness of the stem, more yielding and technological. More resistant to lodging. Has advantages in terms of grain quality – higher content of raw gluten in grain, bakery grade at the level 4 points.

From the standard, wheat varieties "Omskaya 35", "YAMALSKAYA" is more drought-resistant, significantly higher resistance to brown and stem rust. More resistant to lodging and has a lower stem, ripens faster, has a larger grain.

FROM 2015 year, the variety is tested in fourteen GSO of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this year the variety was submitted for state test in the Russian Federation in 5, 7, 8,9,10,12 test regions.

In the variety "YAMALSKAYA" a rare successful combination of high yield has been achieved and stability of the implementation of the genetic potential of productivity and adaptability in a wide
range of cultivation conditions. Так, over the years of competitive testing, the average yield was 42,9 c / ga, What's on 14,1 c / ha above the standard "Omskaya 35". During the formation of the yield in years of different conditions, a high resistance of the variety to moisture deficit in the soil was noted. Lodging problems common for drought-resistant varieties have been eliminated in our selection.

The variety favorably differs in tolerance to damage by brown and stem rust (by type of delayed damage) and immunity to powdery mildew. Wheat of the "YAMALSKAYA" variety is distinguished by large grain, suitable for the flour and cereal industry, which can be milled
with maximum flour yield (not less 72%). The variety is distinguished by high quality grains with a high gluten content, which allows you to consistently receive grain of at least III class GOST 9353-90. Class III formation rate is higher 80%. In this way, wheat variety "YAMALSKAYA" – This is a mid-late-maturing food wheat for intensive farming and no-till systems.

With production technology of cultivation, mechanized harvesting and processing, wheat of the "YAMALSKAYA" variety does not crumble when overmature. The variety is moderately resistant to germination of grain in the ear and in the windrows, highly resistant to lodging, stem-aligned, has a sized grain within the ear. Sure, sowing of YAMALSKAYA wheat is possible during the period from 20 April to 5 May and desirable 15-25 May (in the northern forest-steppe-before 22 May). This variety requires a higher seeding weight (due to large grain). Besides, the variety requires sowing with treated seeds (etching is necessary once every two to three years with drugs, содер­using chemical active substances against wheat dust smut from the number of approved for use).

Seed growing is carried out by the method of individual-family selection. A supportive individual-family selection scheme is recommended, including analytical nursery of families. For seed growing requires dressing once every two years.

Labor intensity and costs in the cultivation of a new variety – технологии несколько более затрат­ные по причине более высокого расхода семян на гектар посева (20-40 kg / ha or +150-250 руб/га к уровню стандартного сорта «Омская 35») and due to the need to dress the seeds, но рента­бельность выше из-за высокой урожайности (+3-5 and more centners / ha). Предполагаемый экономический эффект от использования нового сорта (hybrid) "YAMALSKAYA" – 500-1500 rub. per hectare of crops.

В рамках производственных (демонстрационных) испытаний наша пшеница «ЯМАЛЬ­СКАЯ»
была передана нескольким хозяйствам, одним из которых является ООО «РОСАГРО-Вос-
точный» Алтайского края. От агрономов этого хозяйства мы получили следующие итоговые

Cultivar Productivity (c ga ) Вегетация
Omskaya 36 22,3 5
Omskaya 28 24,4 5
Altai 530 20 5
"YAMALSKAYA" 28 6(+7дн.)

В связи с вышеперечисленными достоинства­ми, wheat variety "YAMALSKAYA", несомненно, должна понравиться сельскохозяйственным про­изводителям Уральского (9), Западно-Сибирского (10), Дальневосточного регионов (12), Республике Казахстан. А так как мы начинаем самое широкое испытание нового сорта на сортоучастках РФ, то готовы всем заинтересо­вавшимся уже сейчас предложить проверить наш новый сорт в производственных условиях своих хозяйств.