Peas seed grade "Yamalsky"

Year of inclusion in the register: 2004sity.

Regions of admission:4, 7, 10, 11

Authors of the variety: Andreeva-Zabrodina N.N., Bezhanidze OI, Pantyukhov M.K.

Pedigree: Bogatyr (Czechoslovakia) x Nemchinovsky 91 x Nord. Recommended for cultivation in the Tyumen region. Leafless. Number of internodes to the first inflorescence 14-16. Stipules are well developed, spotting is absent. Flowers per node – two. Flowers are white. Beans straight or very slightly curved, blunt, 4-7-seed. The seeds are spherical, smooth. Cotyledons yellow. Light scar. Average yield in the region 20,6 c / ga, at the level of standard varieties. Maximum yield 48,4 c / ha obtained in 2002 sity. in the Tyumen region. Mid-season, growing season 72-88 days. Plant height 51-100 cm. Shatter resistance, drought – at the level of standard varieties. Lodging resistance above average – high, up to two points exceeds the Flagship standard 5. Weight 1000 seed 212-276 sity, on average by 25 r above, than standards. Protein content in grain 24,7-27,6%, marketable and culinary qualities are good. Included in the list of valuable varieties. susceptible to ascochitis and root rot; anthracnose was moderately amazed, мучнистой росой слабо.