VIKA sowing (YAROVAYA) (Vicia sativa L.) Lugovskaya 85

VIKA sowing (YAROVAYA) (Vicia sativa L.)

Lugovskaya 85

Origin: the variety was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Forage together with the Moscow Breeding Station by the method of intraspecific hybridization

Authors of the variety: YU. FROM. Tyurin, E. L. Novoselova, D. AND. Ivshin.

Features of the variety: ripe, growing season on average 98 days, early branching, the formation of a large number of large leaves and their rapid deployment, intense linear growth in the initial phases of development, high competitive ability in agrophytocenosis. Productivity of green mass of vetch-oat mixture 35,7 t / ga, including wiki 26,8 t / ga, dry matter collection, respectively 8,3 and 5,9 t / ga. Seed yield 3,1 t / ga. Maximum dry matter collection wiki 6,6 t / ga, seeds - 4,4 t / ga. Crude protein content in green mass 20,7 %. Damage to plants by ascochitosis and root rot is average.

Cultivation areas: approved for use on the Central, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
